Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

This is a short list of frequently asked questions by guests and accommodation owners. For more information about, or if you need support, please contact us via contact form

What is is one of largest directories of private accommodation in Croatia that connects directly guests with accommodation owners. Communication between guests and owners of accommodation is direct via e-mail (contact form), phone or link to their own website, and guests negotiate directly with the owners of the accommodation price and the terms of the reservation., therefore is not a travel agency or agent , and no commission is charged on reservations made. is the platform for advertising the entire tourist offer of private accommodation in Croatia (apartments, rooms, holiday houses, camps and hostels). is the largest private accommodation directory in Croatia with almost 4000 properties and more than 12,000 accommodation units. Accommodation search is very simple and fast and allows you direct contact with owners of private accommodation. Thanks to this there is no payment of expensive agency fees and fees, and apartments, rooms, holiday homes and other private accommodation in Croatia are cheaper up to 40%! is completely free for guests searching for accommodation and for owners who advertise their accommodation capacities. Owners of accommodation pay some additional services like featured advertising, design of websites, consulting ...

To search for your ideal accommodation, please go back to home page where you can search private accommodation in Croatia by: quick search (enter name of City or place), region (we divided Croatia into 8 regions: Istria, Kvarner and Gorski kotar, Zadar and surroundings, Sibenik and surroundings, Split and surroundings, Dubrovnik and surroundings, Lika and Continental Croatia) and accommodation type (depending on whether you are looking for an apartment, a room, a holiday home, a camp or perhaps a hostel).

When you find accommodation you like, please contact the owner of accommodation directly via the contact form on the ad , and negotiate all the terms and conditions of booking. In order for your reservation to be secured, most owners of accommodation will ask you to pay a certain amount in advance as a deposit, and the rest upon arrival.

After publishing the ad from the owner of accommodation, we perform a basic verification of the accuracy of the entered data and photographs. Accommodation owners (private landlords) are publishing ad independently and are taking full responsibility for text and image information, guarantee their accuracy, completeness and truth as well as the quality, security and legality of the products and services offered. We recommend that you call the owner of the accommodation or check their website for further confirmation. Before you pay in advance deposit, we recommend that you request an receipt, which each owner of accommodation has to give to you in Croatia.

We send to our customers monthly news, offers and useful information via newsletter. At the bottom of every email sent via e-mail, you'll find the appropriate sign-out link. Please click on the newsletter sign-out link, and you will no longer receive any notifications sent from

Premium ads (paid ads) are singled out and listed before free ads. When ranking free ads, the owners who first published the ad and the full listings have better positions than the others. To achieve a good position, keep in mind the following points: Enter the price list of accommodation units, enter the maximum number of high quality photos at good resolution (30), enter a relevant and unique description of the property, ask your guests to leave as much positive comments and reviews. All of these points are important not only for ad rankings, but also for visitors and potential guests, resulting in a higher number of inquiries and thus a greater number of realized reservations.

If you are the owner of the accommodation in Croatia and you want to publish your ad, please register. If you need help or support, please contact us via our contact form